Pokemon TCG Paradox Rift: The Best 10 Cards Everyone Needs to Pull

Savvas Matthaiou - 20 October 2023

A few weeks after the release of the super exciting Pokemon 151 set, we will soon get a brand new core set from the Scarlet and Violet era. Paradox Rift will be released on November 3, 2023 and we couldn’t be more excited for it.

With over 180 new cards and brand new traits/gimmicks, this set will definitely change the meta. As always, the Black Flame Collectibles team crafted a tier list of the best cards you will find in this new Pokemon TCG set.

To start with some basics, we have to mention that the Paradox Rift set was actually created to include 4 different sets that we have seen in the Japanese version of the game, these are: Ancient Roar, Future Flash, Raging Surf and Terastal Starter.

This was the reason why creating a tier list was particularly difficult this time. In any case, we have chosen the most powerful cards from Paradox Rift. Are you ready to explore them together?

Constructing the List: How Did We Pick The Best Paradox Rift Cards?

Just like our previous tier lists for Obsidian Flames and 151 sets, this Paradox Rift tier list was created as a mix. To be more specific, the cards we analyze below will change the meta in the coming months.

Of course, most of them will keep their value because of that. In addition, some of the cards we analyze below will have very rare versions that are expected to be among the most expensive cards in the new set.

Paradox Rift: Is This the Beginning of a New Era for the TCG?

Before we get into the actual list, let’s first explore the new elements that Paradox Rift is about to bring into our beloved TCG. We can’t say that this will be the beginning of a new era competitive wise. However, the new set will definitely bring some changes into our gameplay and strategies. 

For starters, Paradox Rift is the first set that includes Ancient and Future paradox cards. This is one of the biggest Generation IX ideas we will see implemented, at least for a while. If you have played the latest Pokemon Nintendo Switch games, you already know what this is all about. 

The good news is that Future and Ancient decks will instantly get extra support and boosters like Booster Energy Capsules and multiple Technical Machines (TMs for the video games fans). 

To be exact, more TMs will make their appearance in the new set as brand new pokemon tool cards. Now that we’ve explored the new gimmicks of the new set, let’s get into our tier-list.

The BFC Tier-List: The 10 Best Cards of Paradox Rift

1. Iron Valiant EX

Iron Valiant is a brand new Future EX psychic pokemon that will definitely see extensive play during the next few months. In fact, there are already multiple experimental decks that are based around this card. 

The main element that makes this pokemon so powerful is its Tachyon Bits ability, which allows you to abuse two damage counters with switch cards once per turn.

The Lazer Blade attack shouldn’t be underestimated either, as it allows you to attack your opponent’s active pokemon for 200 damage once per two turns. It’s worth mentioning, that it could be combined with cards such as: Medicham V (ability: yoga loop) and Iron Hands EX to obtain multiple prizes.

2. Iron Hands EX

Our second selection is another Future EX pokemon, Iron Hands EX. This is a basic pokemon that has 230 HP and two different attacks. Even Though Arm Press does a significant amount of damage, it is actually the second ability that makes this pokemon so powerful. 

“Amp You Very Much” gives you a unique opportunity to draw one more prize card after knocking out your opponent’s active pokemon. Even though 120 damage isn’t too much and the attack needs 4 energies to be casted, we feel that this is quite broken due to the current meta decks. 

Iron Hands EX will definitely be a thread for lost box decks, Lugia decks and much more. Combined with pokemon like Baxcalibur and special energies like Luminus, this EX can shape the meta. Whether it actually does or not is left to be seen.

3. Minior 

Minior was part of the Raging Surf set that was released in Japan in September. The fact that this basic pokemon is about to be implemented into Paradox Rift makes us excited. What makes this pokemon a smart addition to multiple lost box decks as a one off is its Flying Meteor ability. 

This ability allows you to switch Minior with your active pokemon for free once per turn when you attach an energy to it.

Its attack is not bad either. With only 1 colorless energy, Minior does 20 damage for each C of your opponent’s active pokemon retreat cost. Finally, the alt-art version of the card is also one of our favorites in the new set.

4. Jirachi

The fact that Jirachi is not number 1 on our list showcases how impactful the new set will prove to be for the meta. In fact, this is one of the best basic pokemon cards we’ve seen in a very long time. Jirachi will definitely see a lot of play in multiple decks due to its unique ability, Stellar Veil. 

This ability allows you to prevent all counters from being placed on your benched pokemon by your opponent’s basic pokemon.

In other words, it is a top-notch way to prevent your opponent’s Sableye from hurting your bench. It will also be very handy against Iron Valiant OTK decks. 

5. Earthen Vessel

Next in our list we have Earthen Vessel. This is the first Ancient item that will definitely see a lot of play. By discarding one card from your hand, you can search your deck up to 2 basic energies and add them to your hand. 

Even if that doesn’t sound like a lot, it is one of the best energy search cards we’ve seen for a while. 

The fact that Earthen Vessel forces you to discard a card can also be seen as an advantage for certain decks such as Lugia where you can seamlessly discard your Archeops and add 2 basic energies to your hand at the same time. 

6. Roaring Moon EX

For many, Roaring Moon EX is the best card of the brand new Paradox Rift set. The truth is that we can’t blame other tier-lists that have this Ancient pokemon at number 1. Roaring Moon EX is definitely one of the new EX cards that will see competitive play starting from the release of Paradox Rift. 

Both attacks of this pokemon are simply too good to be true. Let’s start with its second attack, Calamity Storm. If there is a stadium in play, you can discard it while attacking for a staggering 220 damage. This is very impactful against pretty much any meta relevant deck right now. 

At the same time, Roaring Moon’s first attack, Frenzied Gouging, is out of this world. For 2 dark energies and 1 colorless, this attack allows you to knock out any active pokemon. So, Roaring Moon can pretty much KO any VMAX like Mew or EX like Blastoise that have more than 300 HP. It does come with a cost, since you will also do 200 damage to your Roaring Moon, leaving it with max 30HP. Still, even if your pokemon dies in the process, it will be almost always worth the trouble. 

7. Scream Tail

Scream is our next selection and is all because of its second attack, Roaring Scream. This is a basic Ancient pokemon that has 90 HP. Roaring Scream allows Scream Tail to do 20 damage to one of your opponent’s pokemon for each damage counter that has been placed on Scream Tail. 

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this will be a great partner for Gardevoir EX. In other words, you can use Gardevoir’s Psychic Embrace ability to not only attach a psychic energy to Scream Tail but also to place 2 damage counters on it.

Do this twice and your, otherwise weak, Scream Tail can hit for 80 damage. 

8. Technical Machine: Devolution 

We’ve already referred to the fact that Paradox Rift will introduce some brand new Technical Machine cards. Well, Devolution is definitely our favorite one. 

With this TM you will be able to do exactly what the name suggests: Devolve each of your opponent’s pokemon, with just 1 colorless energy as cost. In other words, what this TM does is putting the highest stage evolution cards of your opponent’s pokemon to its owner's hand. 

It becomes evident that this is a very impactful tool card, especially against decks that use Rare Candies, like Charizard EX or Gardevoir EX.

9. Future Booster Energy Capsule

Future Booster Energy Capsule is another pokemon tool card that will be played a lot during the next few months. It is tailored to the brand new Future element. What this tool allows you to do is attach it to a Future pokemon and eliminate its retreat cost. At the same time this pokemon’s attacks will do 20 more damage. 

This tool is extremely helpful for Iron Hands that has an enormous retreat cost. The fact that it also helps Amp You Very Much do 140 instead of 120 damage is also a great perk. Add the fact that this tool can be added via Arven and there is no wonder how it made it to our list. 

This set will also introduce a Booster Energy Capsule for Ancient pokemon that will offer +60 HP and immunity to special conditions to any Ancient pokemon it is attached to. This tool will also be very helpful for the Roaring Moon EX and Scream Tail pokemon we explored above.

10. Garchomp EX

Garchomp EX is definitely another great addition of the brand new Paradox Rift set. The only thing that holds this card from being the best card of the set is the fact that it is a stage 2 evolution. 

However, we have already seen multiple decks around Garchomp EX in the Japanese meta. Garchomp comes with an enormous 320 HP and has 2 attacks. The first one not only does 160 damage with just 1 fighting energy, but also allows you to attach 3 more fighting energies from your discard pile to your benched pokemon.  

Its second attack allows you to do 120 damage to any of your opponent’s pokemon by discarding 2 colorless energies (or a Double Turbo energy). Last but not least, Garchomp EX has zero retreat cost! 

Honorable Mentions


Let’s start our honorable mentions with Xatu, a card that almost made it to our tier-list. Xatu is as always a stage 1 pokemon that comes with 100 HP and has one of the best abilities introduced in Paradox Rift. 

Clairvoyant Sense allows you to attach a Psychic energy from your hand to one of your benched pokemon and draw 2 cards in the process. Every time we’ve seen a similar ability with this in the past, the card was 100% playable. 


The brand new Crobat card is a stage 2 pokemon that comes with a very interesting first attack. In fact, Crobat’s first attack allows you to lock either items or supporters for your opponent’s next turn, while doing 50 damage for 2 colorless energies. 

So, in theory if you choose supporters, your opponent won’t be able to play their Iono or anything else they were supposed to play in the next turn. Of course, this being a stage 2 pokemon with low attack value and HP (130) is what made Crobat stay out of our tier-list.

Gholdengo EX

Gholdengo EX is another interesting EX pokemon showcased in the Paradox Rift new set. The main reason for that is its ability, Coin Bonus, that allows you to draw a card (or 2 if your Gholdengo is in the active spot). 

Its attack forces you to discard all basic energies from your hand and do 50 damage for each energy you’ve discarded this way. Even though this is quite a costly attack, Gholdengo could be used as a finisher as well. 

Brute Bonnet

Last but not least, we have Brute Bonnet, one of the most beautiful alt art cards of the new set. This basic pokemon has an interesting ability that allows you to poison both active pokemon if you have an Ancient Booster Energy Capsule attached to it. 

So, in theory you can attach a capsule to this pokemon, put it into your active spot and poison your opponent’s active pokemon for free during each turn. 

At the same time, your Brute Bonnet will have the +60 HP bonus from the Ancient Booster Energy Capsule that will help you keep it in play for a little longer. 

Black Flame Collectibles: Join the Best Pokemon TCG Events in Thessaloniki

At Black Flame Collectibles, we're not just about cards; we're about community as well. Join us in Thessaloniki for our weekly and Pre Release Pokemon TCG events where trainers from all levels gather to showcase their skills and strategies. 

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your journey as a Pokemon Trainer, our events offer a welcoming environment to connect with fellow enthusiasts, learn new tactics, and, most importantly, have a blast with the game we all love.

Come, be part of the vibrant Pokemon TCG community at Black Flame Collectibles, where every duel is a chance to make new friends and leave with unforgettable memories (and prices like Paradox Rift Sealed Products!)

For the latest updates on our events and offerings, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


We hope this tier-list proved to be valuable for you as a Pokemon TCG enthusiast! In our opinion, Paradox Rift will stand as a turning point to the TCG. At least, to a certain degree. As we eagerly anticipate its release on November 3, 2023, the meta is poised for a dynamic shift. 

The 10 cards highlighted in our tier list represent not just power but potential game-changers. Whether you're eyeing the strategic prowess of Iron Valiant EX or the disruptive force of Technical Machine: Devolution, Paradox Rift offers a plethora of options to shape your decks and redefine your playstyle. 

As always, Black Flame Collectibles remains your hub for all Pokemon-related things, providing not just cards, but an experience that transcends the TCG.